photography confidential expat travel sanya island trip hotel accommodation

Beach Vacation in Dadonghai Bay, Sanya

by The Photography Confidential
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For those who don’t know, Hainan is an island in the south of China. If you look at a map, it is actually pretty close to Vietnam. It has a tropical climate so coconut trees are common sights and the vegetation is dense. In the summer, I decided to spend 2 weeks in Dadonghai Bay so I felt like a local for a bit haha. Dadonghai definitely has a party / social vibe, with locals and foreigners alike. Every night you hear live music so it’s the perfect place to hang out with your friends. It’s a famous spot on the island, but it isn’t crowded either. The water is GORGEOUS, reminding me of Miami, Florida. The beach boardwalk is lined with restaurants and luxuriant tropical gardens. Some are clearly made to step up your social media game, to sip a cocktail while watching the waves wash over the shore.

There you’ll see a few Flame or Flamboyant trees. Not only they look badass, but their name is pretty cool too. They remind me of Zanzibar. Can I plant one in my future garden?
What surprised me in Sanya is that EVERYTHING is translated into Russian. Meaning from Chinese to Russian. No English (*sobbing*).

Where to eat

I discovered my little piece of heaven for my tastebuds (Nayuki) where I bought Mango Cheezo literally everyday. Mango Cheezo has fresh mixed mango at the bottom and a cheese foam on top. I know it sounds strange, but it’s delicious and I am totally addicted. Nayuki is located at the bottom of the Summer Mall, where you’ll also find Starbucks and stores.
photography confidential expat travel sanya hainan island trip hotel accommodation
The Cat cafe: Despite its name, it is a restaurant where you can taste some Thai food, in a jungle-themed decor. It’s popular and family-friendly so get there early! Also, a fun thing that happened there: I was eating my fried rice with chopsticks, and I thought I was killing it until a waiter came and gave me a spoon. I guess I didn’t appear as confident as I was!
Surf restaurant: Located on the boardwalk, you will notice this restaurant because it seems to be renting longboards. The waitress was so sweet, she taught me how to pronounce my dish (Salmon Fettuccine). She spoke a few French words and I was sold haha.
photography confidential expat travel sanya hainan island trip hotel accommodation
Circle: This pizzeria is also on the boardwalk, the location and decor is really nice and their pizzas are decent. I picked the margherita and the basil was flavorful.
The Dolphin: A typical sports bar, with AMAZING food and a good atmosphere. If you were wondering where all the expats were, you’ll find them there! I honestly feel like the food was the best I’ve had in Dadonghai. I went for a falafel wrap with a virgin cocktail, and both were made with fresh ingredients.
Lyfatti: A restaurant with some European vibes, it also has a very Asian fusion menu. You’ll find roasted durian as well as a mouth-watering risotto and tasteful smoothie bowl. Additionally, they had a bread-shaped pillow that totally made my day.

Where to stay

I stayed at an apartment with a balcony and a full view of the sea. The location was great, and with its price it can easily compete with the other hotels in the area. The rooms could use an upgrade but if you are a low-key traveler on a budget and you don’t want to compromise on view or location, it would be a great option for you. There is a huge swimming pool in the garden, but it’s a bit tricky because you have to pay 20 RMB each time, find a guard to give you access, and there aren’t any lounge chairs to sit on. On the plus side, the swimming pool is empty most of the time, so you’ll likely have it all for yourself. Here are a few photos of what the place looks like.