Expat Story: A German in NYC

by The Photography Confidential
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Marvin was born in Duisburg, Germany where he grew up. Besides that he lived in Munich, Tokyo, Berlin, and is now living in New York. He is a real estate agent there and is looking for real estate investment opportunities. He does websites and data analytics applications, since he studied Computer Science in Berlin. He speaks English, German, French relatively well, is conversational in Japanese and Spanish and knows a few words of Mandarin Chinese.

Moving to NYC

When did you move to NYC? Why?

I permanently moved to New York in November 2023, but I have spent a lot of time there before. The main reason for me to move to New York, is that my husband is from here, but we both think that, while it’s not perfect, it is the best and most exciting city to live in in the entire world.

How to find a job in NYC?

Despite being affiliated with a broker, I am self-employed. If you want to find a job in NYC you can look on many different websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and if you are looking for a job at a smaller store or restaurant, just call them and ask if they can give you an application.

How did you get set up? (phone plan, bank ..)

I was lucky enough to be able to join my husband’s family phone plan and since I did not have a Social Security Number in the beginning, we opened a shared bank account. It can be quite tricky, it’s important to read up on requirements that banks, the DMV, etc. have. Try to have different forms of proof of address ready, such as a lease with your name on it.

How did you find an apartment?

I moved into my husband’s apartment; we are very lucky for NYC conditions and only pay 1500$. We live very deep into Queens, but are planning on relocating soon, then we will have to pay around 3000$ for a 1-bedroom apartment (which is still outside of Manhattan). The NYC rental market is very bureaucratic and can be confusing, I think the best way to find an apartment is to reach out to an agent, otherwise I’d recommend looking on Streeteasy.com (the dominant websites in the US, namely Zillow, Trulia, etc. are not as dominant in NYC).

Was it difficult for you to get medical insurance?

Health insurance can be quite expensive here, but I was also able to join my husband’s plan, which is very comprehensive and affordable. You can buy free market plans, get insurance from abroad, or get health insurance through an employer.

How can Germans immigrate to NYC?

I got here through the marriage permanent residency process. To my best knowledge Germans can come to the US either by family reunification, there are investor visas available, work sponsorship opportunities, as well as the green card lottery. Don’t take my word for it, consult an immigration expert.

What did you bring with you?

Over the past years I kept bringing things over, but it was mostly books and clothing, some things are still with my parents in Germany.

What surprised you about life there when you first arrived?

A few things, predominantly the absence of dishwashers and laundry in many buildings.

Living in NYC

What are the main differences between Germans and Americans?

It’s difficult to say, since Americans and Germans have many internal differences as well. New York has a different culture from California or Texas, the same way Germany has a different culture from North-Rhine Westphalia to Bavaria. I’d say in general though, Americans tend to be more open and talkative, while Germans tend to be more punctual and reliable.

What are some underrated places in NYC?

I think Forest Hills is underrated, it’s a neighborhood in Queens with a large range of things to do. One part has beautiful English Tudor architecture and feels like a suburb, while still being in walking distance to Express Subway Trains to Manhattan, as well as being close to the Long Island Rail Road.

What are your favorite things to do in NYC?

I love food, so New York is great because it offers good restaurants from all around the world, which is very difficult to find in other places. The other thing I love about here is going to events, hanging out with friends, you always meet the most interesting people who also come from all parts of the world.

What’s your favorite American city, other than NYC?

My second favorite city in the US is San Francisco, people there were really friendly, and the city itself is extremely beautiful. Because of the hills you can often see the ocean, it’s close to Napa Valley (a beautiful wine area) and I like the maritime atmosphere, colorful buildings and interesting stores.

When’s the best moment to visit?

In my opinion, spring and fall are the best times to come to the city, as July and August tend to get very hot. If you want to see the Christmas lights and decorations around Rockefeller Center you should come in late November or December.

Can you tell me something about local culture that people might not know?

New Yorkers are actually nicer than you might think, while being very direct, people here tend to be helpful if you get lost or run into problems.

Where is the best area to live in, in NYC?

I think it’s a very individual question, my top neighborhoods are the Upper West Side, Chelsea, and Forest Hills.


No, but it helps. I learned it for years at school, playing computer games, having American friends, studying in English, etc.

What has been the hardest aspect of living in NYC?

Right now, for me the commute and traffic, we live in Queens and I am working in Manhattan, so it can take me a while to get to work. My husband works on Long Island, which is the other way, so we must go in opposite directions and it’s difficult to compromise on where to move. Driving in the city can be quite exhausting and parking can be very expensive, in Manhattan the subway is great and takes you most places, in some parts of Queens, it’s not as easy to get around without a car. The commute between Queens and Brooklyn is also not as easy, since the trains all go through Manhattan first, which makes the rides very long.

Was it easy making friends and meeting people; did you mainly socialize with other expats?

In my experience yes, but you need to be an outgoing person and start conversations with others. There are many events on Apps like Meetup, Eventbrite, and others that you can go to when you are new to the city. My friend group is a good mix of New Yorkers, expats, and people who moved here from out of state. New York City itself is just such a diverse city that you will always run into other expats or immigrants.

Final Thoughts

What does the future of NYC look like?

Many people proclaimed New York’s downfall during Covid, but the city came roaring back. I don’t know what its future looks like and that’s what is so exciting about New York, the city and different neighborhoods are constantly changing, new constructions are constantly happening, so you never know what lies ahead, but I am sure that New York will always thrive.

What are your plans for the future?

Careerwise I am currently building up my real estate and tech businesses, so I spend most of my time working. In a few years my husband and I are planning on adopting children, so right now we want to build the financial foundation for it.

Marvin’s contact information: @marvinjungre (Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube) and marvinjung.com
Thank you Marvin for sharing your experience moving from Germany to NYC with us! Sounds like you have a lot of interesting projects to look forward to! I wish you all the best and I can’t wait to see it all!

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