Expat Story: A Jordanian in Leipzig

by The Photography Confidential
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Hala is Jordanian, born and raised in Amman, the capital of Jordan. She is a social media manager, content creator and freelancer. She speaks English and Arabic fluently, took French and German in school.

Moving to Leipzig

Why did you go to Leipzig?

I went to Leipzig for a month to study the German language in 2018. I got a scholarship from my university because of my high level in German. I took a test to obtain the scholarship. Anyone who would like to get a scholarship needs to have good grades in that subject, and apply through their university if that opportunity is offered to them as well.

What surprised you about Leipzig?

That everything closes early. In Amman, everything is open until 12am, even small shops, markets etc.

What did you bring?

I brought a lot of warm clothes because it was September and it was very cold there.

How did you get set up?

The Leipzig university website actually helped me find a dorm. The scholarship paid for my accommodation.

Living in Leipzig

What did you learn?

I learned that I love traveling, meeting new people, discovering new cultures. It was actually mandatory in my university to learn German, so I had to do it.

What are the differences between Jordan people and Germany?

I think people in Jordan are more open to help you, they are very welcoming. I felt like in Germany it really depends on the person.

Final Thoughts

What was the hardest part of living in Germany?

The transportation system, as we don’t have such a connected public transportation system in Jordan.

What are your goals now?

I would like to work on getting multiple income streams and to be able to travel full time!
Thank you so much Hala for sharing your first experience abroad. I feel that spending a month in another country is a great way to know whether or not we want to commit to a full expatriation!

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