Expat Story: A South African in Lyon

by The Photography Confidential
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Lena is originally from Johannesburg, South Africa. She is an English teacher. She speaks English, Dutch and Afrikaans. And now French too.

Why did you move to Lyon?

I moved for love 😉 my husband is French. And we wanted to settle close to his region. We moved here in 2018.

Moving to Lyon

What surprised you about life there when you first arrived?

That I could walk everywhere! SA is a country similar to America where the distances are long and you drive everywhere. Also the more socialist society surprised me. The government really looks after its people. Also the difference in social behaviour. Compared to SA, people are not open to strangers. It takes a while for French people to warm up to you.

How to find a job in France? What about insurance?

I sent my CV to a few English schools and a company got back to me after 2 weeks.

I got medical insurance after I arrived. It took about 6 months of paperwork and applications! Not easy!!!

How did you find an apartment?

We Airbnb’d for the first 4 months and bought an apartment which we moved into afterwards. Funny enough we found our apartment on leboncoin! Not usually a website known for real estate.

What did you bring with you?

Only 2 suitcases and a few paintings. The rest of our things we bought in France.

Living in Lyon

What are the main differences between South Africans and the French?

I think that South Africans are very friendly and open to everyone but it’s quite superficial. As I mentioned in a previous question French people aren’t so open to strangers but once you have a relationship with them the relationships are very meaningful. Another thing is that I find service to be terrible in France compared to SA. In France people care more about the community. There is a sense of community which I never experienced in SA.

What are your favorite things to do in Lyon, specifically?

I love the restaurants. So many great ones! And also shopping. Just walking through the streets makes me happy 🙂 Also love Le musĂ©e des confluences. Their exhibitions are so awesome. I really love Le pas sage restaurant.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in Lyon?

I think it’s different for everyone’s lifestyle. But I say around 1500€.

Do you feel safe in Lyon as a woman?

Yes I do. But I come from South Africa which is incredibly unsafe so my perspective might be a bit warped lol.

How is Lyon different from Johannesburg?

Lyon is a city with awesome public transport and beautiful areas to walk, very beautiful and touristy. Johannesburg is more of a business city, not really touristy, but it has an awesome mix of diverse people from all over the world, which I miss a bit.

Have you visited any UNESCO sites in Lyon?

I’ve visited Fourviùre and vieux Lyon. Also La Croix-Rousse district.

Can you tell us something else about Lyon that we might not know?

It’s the gastronomic capital of France! Also every year there is an amazing light show “La fĂȘte des lumiĂšres”. People come from all over France to see it.

What French music do you recommend?

Great French artists/groups I love are Feu Chatterton, Julien Doré, Grand Corps Malade, Ben Mazué, Orelsan, ILIONA, Emma Peters.

Final Thoughts

What experiences are you proud of?

Learning French and being able to have a conversation with people (even though my accent isn’t great haha). Also making a life for myself here. The first 2 years were super tough but I’m happy I managed to get through the hardest part and I’m stronger for it.

Do you think South-Africans can thrive career-wise and financially in Lyon?

I think you can thrive anywhere. You just have to set your mind to wanting to learn and adapt to your new environment.

What has been the hardest aspect of living in Lyon?

Being so far away from family 🙁 and sometimes I miss speaking English in a social setting.

How did you make friends?

It was quite difficult at first because I wasn’t sure where to look but I joined some groups on Facebook and made some friends that way. I think I socialise with a mixture of both French and expats. But my close friends here are international (not from France).

What are your plans for the future?

Hopefully we stay in Lyon. I am very happy here. I can’t imagine returning back to South Africa!
Thank you Lena for sharing your experience! As a French person myself, it was super interesting to hear about your adventure in my country haha. I hope we treat you well and you can feel at home here!

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