Mary is from Austria and she is an international student in Seattle, Washington. She is fluent in English and is a native German speaker.
Moving to Seattle
When and why did you move to Seattle?
I moved to Seattle in 2016 to work as an Au Pair until 2018. After that, my visa expired and I
returned to Europe (London) and saved up for a student visa because I wanted to move back to Seattle. Because of Covid, it took me longer than expected to move back. In August 2021, it was finally time.
What is Seattle famous for?
Seattle is famous for many things but the first thing that comes to my mind is Pike Place
Market. That’s the market where they throw fish to entertain customers.
What surprised you about life there when you first arrived?
How versatile it is! Washington State has everything. We have Seattle and Bellevue for city
lovers, we have beautiful waterfronts (beaches too), mountains, and cute little towns. There’s
nothing you can’t do!
What are the main differences between Austrians and Americans?
This answer is probably going to be very stereotypical but, in my experience, Americans
are way friendlier and more kind to each other. There is a much more positive attitude
than what I experienced in Austria. I love how hard people work here to reach their goals.
What should people consider before deciding to move to Washington State?
It is a big place. Before you move here, make sure you have sufficient
finances for the first few months. Look at places to live and check the crime rate in these areas. We have safe but also not-so-safe areas! Leave your umbrella at home, umbrellas are for tourists!
Do you need to speak English to live in Seattle?
Yes, I would say that it is a necessity to speak English especially if you’re looking into
finding a job at a company. I learned English in school, by watching tv shows in English and I
really enjoyed watching American YouTubers. All of that really helped me but the most
important part is to talk in English so when you’re here that’s when you will learn the most.
How to find a job in Seattle?
That really depends. If you want to come here as an immigrant you need a visa and that can
be pretty hard to get, especially if it’s a work visa. I personally am on a student visa.
How did you find an apartment in Seattle?
Seattle is one of the most expensive cities to live in in the US. Some areas have rental prices as high as New York City. As I am currently a student, I live in a house with 3 other people and I’m just renting one room.
How did you get set up?
That was actually pretty easy as I already lived here as an au pair. For anyone who is planning to come here as an au pair, there will be a lot of support from the host family and the au pair agency. When I moved back, I already knew what I had to do. It’s pretty easy to get a bank account and a phone plan here.
Was it difficult for you to get medical insurance?
Not at all. As an Au Pair I had healthcare through my au pair agency and as a student, I have healthcare through my college. Nevertheless, keep in mind that healthcare here can (doesn’t have to) get very expensive here. Insurance is very important.
What did you bring with you?
I tried to pack as light as possible. I still packed too many clothes. What I appreciate having
from home is definitely medicine. I would definitely bring a pair of rain boots and/ or hiking
boots and a good raincoat next time. Seattleites dress very comfortably so cozy things are a

Living in Seattle
When’s the best moment to visit?
Spring and summer in my opinion. That’s when you’ll have the best weather. If you like
Winter, then definitely stop by too. There are some fun things to do during every time of the year but my recommendation is to visit when it’s warmer. In April, Cherry Blossom season
starts, I’m really looking forward to that.
What are your favorite things to do in Washington?
I love exploring! There is so much to see. Seattle has so many beautiful places. I especially
enjoy being outside, at the beach, in the National Parks, going on hikes and going on day
trips! We also have beautiful peninsulas and islands here! Apart from that, I try to check out
all the boba shops.
Have you seen any wildlife?
We do have wildlife here, but I haven’t encountered anything wild such as bears. I have seen a moose once but other than that just some raccoons, beavers, etc. If you enjoy tide pooling – we have a ton of beautiful sea stars! Oh and not to forget – seals!
Where is the best area to live in Washington State?
I personally really like the North – close to the Canadian border but Kirkland and Bellevue
are amazing too!
What are some underrated places in Washington?
The city of Bellevue, tourists usually don’t know about this city but after covid, it is much
more beautiful than Seattle itself. Definitely check it out. Mount Rainier is perfect for hiking!
One beach that I would recommend to everyone is Alki Beach, the sand actually was
imported from California.
Do you feel safe as a woman?
I feel safe in most areas. Being aware of gun laws is important and knowing where to go and
where not to go during certain times of the day is helpful too. I do not feel safe in downtown
Seattle anymore, especially when it’s the evening or the night. Covid really impacted the
cities safety.
How much money do you need to live comfortably in Seattle?
As much as possible! Honestly, the more the better. To start off I’d say 5000 USD per
month but there is really no limit.
What are your favorite restaurants and bars in your area?
Just this weekend we found a really cool bar called “Dreamland” located in Fremont. I also
love Queer Bar in Capitol Hill. One of my favorite places to eat (and get bubble tea) is called
“DIY Tea Lab”. You can create your own bubble tea and Poke Bowl.
Describe your favorite recreational activities there or those that are available.
Hiking! Ice skating, roller skating, long/ skateboarding, rock climbing, kayaking, paddle
boarding – anything outdoors but we also have really cool indoor places such as trampoline
parks, mini golf, and golf, even axe-throwing.
Can you tell me something about local culture that people might not know?
Generally speaking, if you feel like you need help with anything, you have to ask. Otherwise,
no one will help you. Something else is that Seattle has a lot of native tribes that still exist!

Final Thoughts
Are there any experiences there that you are particularly proud of or that surprised you?
Yes, I am proud that I was able to move back because getting a visa can be so hard. It took me a really long time to make that possible. Other than that I am proud to graduate from College with my Associate’s Degree this summer.
Was it easy making friends and meeting people?
Because I was an Au Pair here at first, I still had friends here. As an au pair that’s when it was the easiest to make friends! Right now as a student, it is more challenging but I did find a handful of good friends.
What has been the hardest aspect of living in Seattle?
Probably getting a car! The United States is generally a country that has been set up for
driving and not public transportation. Going to a dealership without a car can be tough!
How can Austrians immigrate to the USA?
There are a ton of different visa categories. The most popular is probably the Green Card. There is a lottery each year in which Austrians can participate. The easiest way if you want to live here is to get married but the more challenging thing is probably to find someone you want to marry. The Au Pair visa is pretty easy to get and allows you to stay here for two years. For the student visa, you will need some financial funds and for an Investor visa, you do need a lot of funds.
After my associate’s degree, I will be able to work for one year. My plan is to get a remote
job and house-sit in different states. I have been to 24 states and my goal is to visit every
state! (We have 50). After that my goal is to earn a Bachelor’s Degree.

Thank you so much Mary! It was really interesting to read about the fish throwing tradition at the Public Market Center! The US is definitely addictive, I totally understand why you worked hard to go back after your Au Pair program in Seattle! I wish you the best in your American adventure!
Her IG: Here