Expat Story: From Australia to London

by The Photography Confidential
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Elisha is 25, from Melbourne Australia and she speaks English. She is Australian, her dads side is from New Zealand and her mum was adopted.

Moving to London

When and why did you move to London ?

I moved from Australia to London at the end of 2021 to be with my partner who is from the UK. We met when he was doing his working holiday visa in Australia and were separated when covid happened. Due to the lockdown rules the only option during that time was for me to come to the UK. I had been locked up long enough from covid so I was excited for a new opportunity.

How did you get set up?

My partner advised on an easy enough phone plan to get set up with which was Giff Gaff. I went with Monzo because it was an easy online banking system. It was also a suggestion from my partner and from the internet.

How did you find a job in London?

I found my job by applying for grad jobs on different Uk job sites. I didn’t have much luck but the company I work with now reached out. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years!

Was it difficult for you to get medical insurance in London?

Not really. I mean I was lucky that work provided this for us at a subsidized rate.

How did you find an apartment in London?

We looked on Google. There were many places available that were affordable. We went through an agent which I wouldn’t recommend. I would go through a landlord if you can to ask for spare rooms or through a Facebook group. My rent is about £960 including bills per month.

What should people consider before deciding to move to London?

That you will be spending a lot of money. 1 hour and under is considered a great commute time to work. It’s quite hard to make friends, you need to put in the work if you want a social life.

Living in London

What surprised you about life in London?

The commute to work. The loneliness / feeling of needing to be busy all the time.

What apps / websites / stores do you find useful in your daily life in London?

City mapper, Flatastic (organising house chores, onezone (restaurant suggestions).

How can Australians immigrate to London?

You can use the youth mobility visa. Or if you have a family member born in the UK you can get the ancestry visa.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in London?

You should be on at least £22k yearly salary. This is tight but if you budget you can make it work. Also make sure you are constantly increasing your skills and bettering your career. You can move up in your career and salary.

Did you feel safe as a woman?

Not always.

What is the most recent thing you’ve read in the news about life in London?

That’s it’s bloody expensive.

How does London compare to other places?

London is the busiest city I’ve ever been to. People are everywhere and on the move. It’s busy and fast paced. People move quickly and are very impatient in comparison to Australia. It made me quite the speed walker.

How are Australians different from English people?

From what coworkers have said they think Australians are so much more chill than Brits. They think we are nicer too lol. Whenever I tell someone I’m Australian they always say how much they love Australians. Brits like to complain a lot too. Brits always ask why the hell I decided to move to the UK!

Final Thoughts

Are there any experiences there that you are particularly proud of or that surprised you?

I am super proud of this whole experience. Moving over by myself, going through a break up and truly being on my own. Becoming more confident and career driven and thriving in the workplace. I’m surprised at how lonely I can get but I think it’s purely because I’m so far from home and I’m so close to my friends and family back there.

Was it easy making friends and meeting people?

If it wasn’t for work I think it would be really difficult to make friends. I have friends from Australia here too that I catch up with in my own time. I find English people can be quite closed off unless you spend a lot of time with them to break the ice. Many can be lovely though! Just have to find them.

What are some disadvantages to living in London?

-How expensive it is.
-It can be quite lonely.
-The winter is very cold.
-The tube is nasty.

What are your plans for the future?

I hope to stay in my job in recruitment for now. Eventually I will go back home to be with my family. I’m just enjoying living independently and serving myself. One day I hope to raise a family and I know then I will look back at this time and be so proud of how much I achieved and focused on myself.

Final advice?

If you decide to move to a different country, make sure you lean on your loved ones. It’s a big step and it’s not always smooth sailing. I call my mum nearly everyday to check in, some may think this is excessive but it works for us. Don’t be afraid to admit it’s hard and be kind to yourself.
Thank you so much Elisha for sharing your experience moving to London! It is an amazing project and I hope you thrive in this new life of yours 🙂