Expat Story: From California to Zurich, Switzerland

by The Photography Confidential
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Alysha Walker is originally from Southern California, where she was born and raised until she moved to Switzerland in June of 2021. She has been a hairstylist for 15 years. She speaks English, a bit of German, Spanish, and is learning Italian.

Tell us about yourself

All 4 of my grandparents are from outside the US (mostly Europe) and I think this is where I got my deep connection to Europe 🙂 I am a hairstylist with a background in Fashion. I have been doing hair all over the world. Beauty, female empowerment, cultures/traveling, nature/environmentalism, and spirituality are things that I am very interested in.

Moving to Zurich

Why did you move to Zurich?

I moved here for a few different reasons, it’s not an easy answer. My most important reason is because I’ve always been obsessed with Europe and visiting my friends and family here since I was 16. Another reason was I wanted to explore beauty and fashion in Europe, since I was doing a lot of Fashion and Celebrity work in Los Angeles. But my final push was the change back home after COVID, and it was time for some inner healing.

How did you get set up?

I just dove right into it, especially with opening my own business as a hairstylist here. But friends and family helped me a bit, and it was just trial and error. I made a lot of mistakes on my journey in Switzerland, but I think I knew that going into it. Living in another country is definitely an experience.

Was it difficult to get medical insurance?

No. That was actually one of the first things I did, and a good friend of mine had a friend that was an insurance consultant, so he really helped me.

What did you bring with you?

I got rid of pretty much everything and downgraded to 2 suitcases and a carry-on when I left California. One and a half of those suitcases were mostly clothes, and the other was all my hair stuff for freelance work! I really love living the minimalist life now, and don’t ever miss all the stuff that I had.

How did you find an apartment?

I got my flat through a guy I met on Tinder! We had added each other on Instagram months before, never met, and then I had posted a story looking for a flat in Zurich. He responded that he found a flat and needed someone to refer to his old flat, and he could use me. I was down to wire, so this was luck! My rent is 1750 for a 1 1/2 bedroom with washer and dryer + dishwasher…

What surprised you about life there?

A few things! Moving to Switzerland is such a transition. Probably how much I’ve had to grow internally, was not expecting how much the lifestyle makes you take responsibility and really protect yourself in some ways. It’s a lot of work, and owning my own business in Switzerland is so different from owning my own business in California. How expensive health insurance is!

Living in Zurich

What should people consider before deciding to move to Zurich?

It’s very expensive and it has a small country mentality. For me, the weather was something that I was really out of touch with, but the summers are amazing. It’s Central Europe, which is great for travel. And super safe.

What apps / websites / stores do you find useful in your daily life in Zurich?

Instagram is a great tool for following cafes and night events around Zurich. Facebook is a really great tool for expat help and expat groups. Muller for cheaper home products.

What is Zurich famous for?

Cheese, Chocolate, Finance, and Nature.

Do you feel safe as a woman living in Zurich?


What languages do you need to speak to live in Zurich?

English can get you through daily life, but it is very helpful to know whatever language of the area you live in. So there’s a German area, French area, and Italian area.

What are your favorite places in Zurich?

Altstadt is really beautiful to walk through, my salon is there and I love strolling through the streets on my break. Also love going for a walk around the lake. My favorite night out spot is Kasheme, it has the best vibe and music here.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in Zurich?

It depends.. 8,000 per month works, but it is an expensive city so if you like to go out and shop, you probably could use more haha!

What's on your list of favorite restaurants and cafés in Zurich?

El Luchador, The Bagel Shop, Co Chin Chin, Stereo, Kasheme, Le Raymond

Final Thoughts

What is the most recent thing you've read in the news about life in Zurich?

Something about building a bullet train from Zurich to the UK, which would be so awesome!

Can you tell us something else about Zurich that we might not know?

Recycling here is crazy haha but it’s so clean and organized!

What do you think about young Swiss people?

Young Swiss people are definitely more open than the older generations by far. I think they are creating a lot of change as well with more options, new ideas, and just being overall more open to each other. I really appreciate the rate that Switzerland is progressing at though, I feel it’s a lot slower and more restricted than most of the world, and I actually really appreciate that. Life here is simple, slow, and not distracting- it’s healthy for my mind, body, and soul.

What are some local artists in Zurich that you recommend checking out?

I feel like Zurich has a lot of underground artists that you have to find. Zurich is filled with hidden gems around the city with different genres of music to creative artists. I’m still exploring, but one of my favorite DJs here is Kalabrese. I’m a huge music nerd if you haven’t noticed 🙂

What resources should people look at to learn more about Zurich?

RonOrp is a website that a lot of locals use..

What do you know about music from Zurich?

There’s a lot of live music all over the city. You just have to find the places that promote them. I find a lot of really cool ambiance, jazz, and different genres of techno- hard, Goa, funk exist in Zurich.

Did anything surprise you?

I think street parade is always surprising to me or even Fassnacht. Switzerland is pretty regulated and quiet, but on those events the city really comes alive.

What are some disadvantages to living in Zurich?

It’s very expensive, I really miss people being just a bit more open or flexible. Also I feel like shopping could be a bit better, expression and style here isn’t a big part of the culture.

Was it easy making friends and meeting people in Zurich?

Meeting friends here has been such a journey and extremely isolating for me. I think Switzerland is really 100% or nothing, and I just have had such a crazy transition all around that attracting the right people was challenging. But I feel like I finally found a good place and am over that hill, which feels so settling! My friend group is a bunch of creatives from all over the world.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to have my own start up company between Switzerland and California in soil regeneration or helping the land. I also am creating my own brand of little creative projects. I am in the process of making two decks of different affirmation cards, and shirts that will connect with my environmental endeavors 🙂
Thank you Alysha! I am glad that you are finally feeling more settled after this big move! Thank you for all the tips. I cannot wait to see your projects come to life, it’s really inspiring! You cand find Alysha’s IG here!