Expat Story: From Germany to Fredrikstad, Norway

by The Photography Confidential
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Marion is German, she is a language teacher and teaches both German and Danish. With her family, in 2014 she decided to end her life in Germany and start a new one in Denmark. Her husband, three children and her ended up in Northern Jutland, where they lived a very good life: a beautiful house with a big garden, friends, fully integrated and surrounded by sandy beaches.

Moving to Fredrikstad

When and why did you move to Fredrikstad?

The pandemic caused a lot of changes and we decided to leave Denmark after seven years. Since January 2022 the twins, my husband and I live in Fredrikstad. Our now adult son is still in Denmark finishing his studies.

What surprised you about life in Fredrikstad when you first arrived?

Speaking fluent Danish makes you understand Norwegians. So fabulous!

How to find a job in Fredrikstad?

In Scandinavia you can find everything on the internet. For example, you can also find jobs on LinkedIn, finn.no, or Nav.no

How to find an apartment in Fredrikstad?

You can find anything on finn.no. It is very expensive to buy houses in Oslo and Trondheim. And renting houses is even more expensive. We pay much more for renting a tiny apartment than we paid for our big house with a huge garden in Denmark.

How to get insurance in Norway?

Once you are registered and have your fødselsnumber (a personal number), you are automatically in the national health system.

What do people need to consider when choosing a city to live in Norway?

Research in advance where you might have a chance of getting a job. Oslo and Trondheim might be a bit expensive, but offer lots of chances.

Living in Fredrikstad

What are the main differences between Germans and Norwegians?

The Germans’ demeanour seems impatient and loud compared to Norwegians. On the other hand, I miss the clarity and structure of the Germans in some process flows.

What apps do you find useful in your life in Fredrikstad?

You need finn.no. and vipps for paying by mobile phone.

What are your favorite things to do in Norway?

This is definitely Gamlebyen. The historic old town is a feast of colours, atmosphere and history. And in between, chickens run free. Great!

What is the best area to live in Norway?

For me, the proximity to the archipelago is important. There are so many beautiful bays here. Secret bathing spots where you are alone with the wide blue of the Oslofjord.

Final Thoughts

What movies and books do you recommend to learn about Norway?

– Ragnarök on Netflix. It’s a must. 😉

– “The 100 unwritten Norwegian social laws”: A funny but true book about Norwegians.

What might people not know about Norway?

This area around Fredrikstad has been inhabited for a very long time. There are lots of rock drawings from the Neolithic Age in the area. It’s like seeing ancient postcards from the past! We can also see many stone circles from the vikings and huge stone graves from the Bronze Age here.


I hope to get to know a lot of Norway and nearby Sweden.
Thank you so so much Marion for sharing your experience with us! I will definitely be checking your recommendations 🙂 All the best!
Her website here and her IG contact here!