Expat Story: From India to Siegen Germany

by The Photography Confidential
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Hina is from New Delhi, India. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Science (in the Human Computer Interaction program) at the University of Siegen. She can speak Hindi, Urdu, English, Tamil, and is learning German.

Moving to Siegen

When did you move to Siegen, Germany?

I moved to Siegen on April 12, 2022 for my Masters.

What surprised you about life there when you first arrived in Siegen?

Smiling faces and helpful people.

How to find a job in Siegen?

Through contacts such as your professors, you can access your university job portal or LinkedIn.

How can Indians immigrate to Germany?

For Indians the process of visa is done using a third party called VFS. They take care of all your documents and verifications. The processing time could be from 7 working days to an indefinite time.

What did you bring with you?

Mostly my clothes, utensils, spices, some books, electronics, medicine, lots of love from my loved ones and Indian snacks.

What should people consider before deciding to move to Siegen?

If you don’t have a consumer attitude, don’t like silence, don’t enjoy weekends with leisure activities you probably shouldn’t move here. For me Siegen is best as it is surrounded by beautiful rivers and canals, trekking grounds, swimming pools and of course hills. But if you prefer going to malls and partying then Siegen will be boring for you. Bochum, Dortmund, and Cologne are well connected in case you need an outlet for fun.

Living in Siegen

What is Siegen famous for?

It is famous for its ore mining industry and its university.

When’s the best moment to visit Siegen?

It is debatable because the weather even in June or summer can shock you with storms. Any season is good except winter because traveling could be restrictive with the snow.

Have you seen any wildlife in Siegen?

Yes I live in Tiergarten actually and can spot bison, deer, woodpeckers, hummingbirds, rabbits and other wildlife when strolling around.

Where is the best area to live in, in Siegen?

Eiserfeld, Weidenau, Siegen Central, Siegen Alt Stadt, Geisweid.

What are some underrated places in Siegen?

Oberschloss, Sieg River (for a nice evening), Freudenberg.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in Siegen?

800€, even if you do shopping for yourself and your friends.

Do you feel safe as a woman in Siegen?

Absolutely. I have traveled in the middle of the night and until now I have had no complaints.

Describe your favorite recreational activities there.

Swimming in Warmwasserfreibad Geisweid and Hallenbad Weidenau, walking in Panzerwiese.

Can you tell me something about local culture of Siegen that people might not know?

Siegen has a mixture of Turkish, Germans, Syrians, Afghanis, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Polish, Vietnamese, and more different ethnicities. Be mindful while talking with people and accept people of all color and culture as it makes a harmonious society.

What are your favorite restaurants and bars in Siegen?

I love Green Chilly in Geisweid for Indian food. One can visit Troja for delicious Döners. I love JoJo’s pub Weidenau in case you have a big adventurous group of friends.

Final Thoughts

Was it easy making friends and meeting people in Siegen?

Yes, it was. Thankfully University Sieguver teams have a lot of events for socializing. Unfortunately I don’t get enough time to attend all of them as there are so many.

What’s your favorite German city, other than Siegen?

Aachen because it is close to Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and France.

What has been the hardest aspect of living in Siegen?

Walking from Weidenau ZOB to Im Tiergarten 15. Please start a mini van service or bus service!

Are there any experiences there that surprised you?

Nudeness in the locker room at the swimming pool. Now I am comfortable but in the beginning I used to be very shy. People are comfortable in their skin without hiding their flaws.

What does the future of Siegen look like?

It is growing very fast. Within one year, I have seen the changes. I wish more companies worked in English. I want to stay in Siegen and work here but because having an A1 level in German is not enough. I hope they will be more inclusive in the future.

What are your plans for the future?

I love Germany so I want to stay to finish the course and maybe get a job in Germany. I would also like to travel back to India for a vacation with my parents.
Thank you so much Hina for sharing your experience living as a university student in Siegen, Germany! I hope you can find a job in Germany that allows you to stay and explore the country even more! Her IG here. 🙂