Expat Story: From NYC to Portofino, Italy

by The Photography Confidential
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I am a bartender originally from a small suburban town outside of NYC, but now live in Portofino, Italy. I moved in December because I had just graduated from college and was discontent with my job. I had worked as a bartender in the same place for 7 years, but was never appreciated. Eventually I understood that working there was not in line with my soulā€™s purpose and that staying for the money was not worth my mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. So, I bought a plane ticket, packed two large suitcases filled with clothes and my favorite beauty products and never looked back.

Of course no one can just move to Italy and stay past 90 days unless you have a visa or dual citizenship. So, because I come from Italian blood, I immediately began the dual citizenship process when I arrived and received it within 3-4 months.

Moving to POrtofino

How did you find an apartment in Portofino?

Real estate agents in this area speak English really well so even if you donā€™t know Italian itā€™s fine. Communicating in English has never been an issue. And if you do come across someone who doesnā€™t speak English, theyā€™ll get their point across anyways by using their hands haha. In order to find apartments to purchase or rent in Italy you can use Immobiliare.it or Casa.it.

How did you set up a bank account in Italy?

To purchase or rent property, you donā€™t need to have an Italian bank account. And I wouldnā€™t recommend opening one in general (just no need to get involved with the bureaucracy if you donā€™t have to). However, in order to pay utility bills, Iā€™d recommend opening a Wise account at the very least. Utility companies in Italy are notorious for not processing payments made from foreign bank accounts, and a Wise account solves that issue.

Living in Portofino

What are your favorite things to do in Portofino specifically?

In regard to recreational activities, thereā€™s plenty to do. But my favorites would probably be taking a stroll on the boardwalk or going snorkeling. The waters around Portofino are considered a protected marine area, so itā€™s extremely abundant with fish and other aquatic wildlife. Iā€™ve also created great friendships, so even just sharing a dinner together is such a pleasure.

Thatā€™s the beautiful thing about Italy; thereā€™s a certain contentment in the simplicities of life which I struggled to find in the U.S. You donā€™t need much here to genuinely be at peace.

Why did you move to Portofino?

Portofino is a beautiful place to live because itā€™s close enough to main highways, only 3 hours away from the French riviera, not full of stairs, and right on the water. The food is delicious and the landscapes are gorgeous. Itā€™s a little corner of paradise and I think anyone who has ever visited knows exactly what I mean.

Final Thoughts

Are there any experiences that you are particularly proud of?

When I first moved to Italy, I had no plans. I arrived and decided to allow God to take control of my life. And He did not disappoint.

In January I started my TikTok account, and at that time it was really more so about the aesthetic of Italy. But then people were finding out that I received my dual citizenship and I realized that they needed guidance, so my niche changed a bit.

I created a website, wrote a dual citizenship ā€œhow-to,ā€ and began consulting. A few months later I was contacted by this great group of people who offer many dual services such as handling 1948 cases, finding Italian originating documents and even doing the dual process on behalf of clients. Theyā€™re able to bypass their consulate and get dual for multiple family members simultaneously. All without them ever having to come to Italy. So now with my team, I help people from all over the world get their Italian dual citizenships.

What are your plans for the future?

This entire experience has been such a blessing. Living in the U.S., I felt lost. Completely discontent and unsure about where I was headed. The moment I made the decision to pack my things up and move to Italy, all the puzzle pieces of my life fit together seamlessly. Everything just makes sense now and itā€™s amazing that itā€™s my job to help others achieve this same feeling. I plan to continue establishing roots in this area, diving deeper into the connections Iā€™ve made with new friends and help more people get their bums over here too.
Thank you so so much Chiara for sharing your thoughts with us! An example of how taking risks and going out of our confort zone pays off! Here is her TikTok account is Chiara.in.Italy šŸ™‚