Leila is from France. She is a communication manager / social media manager. She speaks French, English and Italian. She lived in London for 2 years after high school and traveled across a few countries.
Moving to montreal
When and why did you move to Montreal?
I moved to Montreal in July 2022 by myself. I had a WHV (Work Holiday Visa, or PVT Permis Vacances Travail) and it was one of my dreams to move to Canada. I chose Montreal because I didn’t have enough money to move to another bigger city like Toronto or Vancouver.
How did you get set up?
Desjardins was my bank as I found a job there and also there was an offer for people like me coming with a WHV and with the travel insurance. As for the phone number, one of my coworkers who was in the same situation told me about an app that allows you to have a Canadian number without changing your phone plan. That allowed me to keep my French number.
How did you get get medical insurance?
There is a special medical insurance for people who come with PVT. You have to get the insurance before leaving otherwise you won’t be able to have your permit. It was difficult to get access to health care because in Quebec you’re not entitled to have access to medical care if you’re not permanent compared to the rest of the provinces. That’s a shame. With my work I had access to another health insurance so that was helpful but it wasn’t enough. In Canada, health is business too.
What did you bring with you?
I brought two big full suitcases and a small one with all my important papers and electronics and clothes. I bought everything for winter when I got settled.
How did you find an apartment?
I got really lucky! The moment I bought my flight ticket, I went on Facebook and sent messages in Facebook groups for an apartment. I was scared to share a flat with people as I had some bad experiences when I lived in London a decade ago. I didn’t have enough savings to allow me to pay a huge rent so I had no choice. A woman contacted me on Facebook. She was living alone and had a room. She didn’t publish an advertisement but she saw my message in a group and decided to reach out. She saw that I was a biker and she was one too which is pretty rare in Montreal. We spoke on FaceTime to get to know each other. I found my flatmate in 4 hours! Unbelievable ! She was so sweet and the rent wasn’t too expensive (700$ with all supplies) and I had no furniture to pay and the flat was big. We became friends! Compared to some friends who had bad experiences, I got really lucky with her!!
What should people consider before deciding to move to Montreal?
It’s becoming very French, so if you want to learn English or escape from the French mentality you should think about it. Also there is a real estate and work crisis. Too many people are settling so it has become more difficult nowadays. You have to have more savings than two years ago.

Living in Montreal
What surprised you about life in Montreal?
The kindness of people, the balance between work and life, lots of things to discover.
What specifically is Montreal famous for?
Is it famous for its culture, there is always something to see, mostly in summer with all the festivals. Socially even though it is tough to have Quebec friends, as there is a huge French community, you will make friends I’m sure of it.
What apps / websites / stores do you find useful in your daily life in Montreal?
I used the Communauto app a lot to have access to cars for my trips. There is the City Mapper app also and plans. There is an app that helps you with the conversion and the taxes but I forgot the name.
I loved Costco where you can buy with a member card access a lot of stuff in huge quantities or cheaper than anywhere else.
What languages do you need to speak to live in Montreal?
I’d say French as it’s mandatory to speak French in Quebec with the 101 law. The Quebec government is really serious about people who have to speak French.
What are your favorite places in Montreal?
I have two places: the Oratoire and the Mont-Royal observatory. The views are amazing!

Final Thoughts
How do Canadians compare to French people, in your opinion?
They are more educated in finance. They can start working at 13 years old. They work hard. They can have access to some jobs without having a diploma or a lot of experience. In Canada you have your chance to prove your value and work hard to have access to higher positions. You don’t have to wait ages to have a promotion or a raise! I really had an amazing experience there and I had access to a job position that in France I would never get.
Anything else you'd like to share?
I miss my life in Montreal and I hope to go back soon!
Thank you Leila for sharing your experience moving to Canada and highlighting the opportunities and challenges you have experienced living there! I wish you the best in your future endeavors 🙂
Leila’s IG here!