Expat Story: From the US to Amsterdam

by The Photography Confidential
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Tell us about yourself

My dad is Dutch, my mom is Colombian, they met in the US but they had me and my brothers in the south of the Netherlands. I lived there until I was 9, and then we moved to Columbus, Ohio. This was for my dad’s work, and I really enjoyed living in Ohio, but I never really felt at home in the US in general. I always felt like an outsider, and I couldn’t really fully embrace being ‘American’ while I was there. Regardless, I spent 10-25 in Ohio, went to school at Ohio University. I graduated during a recession and it was really hard to find work at the time. Once I did find work, it was as an account executive in advertising. After a few years, I was able to move to NYC via work, which was a big dream come true for me. I spent about 5 years in NYC, when I decided to leave my work and my apartment behind and travel through South America. After 8 months, I came to the Netherlands and realized I wanted to stay longer. Then I was able to get a job in advertising again, which then allowed me to really settle down in Amsterdam. I got my first apartment here in 2018, and met my now husband that same year. I worked for many years in advertising, but now I’ve gone client-side and I work in social media for a well known streaming service. I speak English, Dutch and Spanish.

Moving to Amsterdam

When and why did you move to Amsterdam?

I moved to Amsterdam in April of 2018. I wasn’t fully planning on moving to Amsterdam, per se, it sort of worked out because of work and it became really easy to work remotely at the time from a WeWork office, which is where I met most of my initial friends. Prior to deciding to live in Amsterdam, I was traveling for about 8 months, taking some time to myself after living in NYC for 5 years. I had turned 30 and really needed to reset and figure out what I wanted for myself. So moving back to the Netherlands was one thing I really wanted, but I wasn’t 100% sure where. I started by getting a 5 month sublet via a Facebook group, which really helped get me used to the city.

How did you get set up?

First you register in the city you want to live in, for me I had registered at my cousins place in the Hague for the time being, then you can get a phone plan and a bank account.

What did you bring with you?

Maybe 2 suitcases, clothes, some shoes and a jacket haha.

How did you find an apartment in Amsterdam?

Via a Facebook website for the first two rentals. I had roommates, and it was 700 euros per month.

Was it difficult for you to get medical insurance?

Medical insurance is mandatory here, and it is private. Systems here are quite simple, especially compared to the US. The only barrier is really understanding the language and lingo, but I used Google Chrome to translate all of the webpages. Medical insurance at the time was about 120EU per month. I can’t recall how long you can live without medical insurance, but I don’t think it’s very long. Maybe 4 months!

Living in Amsterdam

What should people consider before deciding to move to Amsterdam?

The weather can be hard in the winter time. It’s really gray and rainy. Also prepare to lower your dressing expectations because of the weather. I used to do my hair and makeup but now it’s bare minimal because the rain messes it up almost daily. Because I bike everywhere, I’m exposed to the wind, rain, and snow. My high maintenance-ness has gone down massively!

What apps / websites / stores do you find useful in your daily life in Amsterdam?

As a parent, there are a lot of group chats on Whatsapp for new moms, also some groups to sell clothes and kids equipment. It’s really handy! Also there are a lot of Facebook groups for expats. I used to use those more, but now that I’m settled and have all my stuff, I find the parent groups best.

What are your favorite places in Amsterdam?

My house. I’ve become such a homebody recently! haha

What specifically is Amsterdam famous for?

Weed! No but more seriously, the relaxed culture is well known.

Do you need to speak Dutch to live in Amsterdam?

I knew Dutch growing up, but my vocabulary and sentence structure was quite limited. Imagine a 10 year old education + 20 years or “life” = pretty limited language abilities. So I actually took classes through the gemeente. They are SUPER HARD, but they really force you to learn. Knowing Dutch isn’t essential, but it is smart to start learning, if you want to stay for the long run. Also with kids, Dutch is pretty crucial.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in Amsterdam?

A lot. A family of four…
-We spend about 1k per month for groceries (we almost never go out to eat).
-We spend about 3k on daycare
-Rent/mortgages start at 2k for 2 bedrooms
-Electric is around 250, water 26, phone & internet 95, home owners association 200, health insurance (2 adults) 342, other insurances/subscriptions 127, water and trash tax 126 and gym memberships combined 85, this is 1250 for “other”
-So you’ll spend around 7.5k a month just to live…this excludes savings, investments or shopping. It’s expensive!

Do you feel safe as a woman in Amsterdam?

YES! There is always someone on the road, the streets are well-lit. I also never get catcalled, which is a blow for my ego 😉

Final Thoughts

What is the most recent thing you've read in the news about life in Amsterdam?

I feel like I’m always reading about the housing crisis.

What websites should people look at to learn more about Amsterdam?

Expats in amsterdam facebook group has been helpful.

Are there any experiences there that you are particularly proud of or that surprised you ?

I’ve somehow been able to be more relaxed with work. Coming from NYC, my work mentality was very “my worth is tied to working hard”. Now I’ve become less demanding of myself, and have really found that the lessened pressure has paid off. I’m happier here.

What is the main disadvantage to living in Amsterdam?

The weather. It’s so bad most of the year.

Was it easy making friends and meeting people?

I made a good group of friends at WeWork, whom I’m still friends with now. Following this, I made loads of expat-mom friends.


Yes, I’m actually creating an online course for new parents in the Netherlands, or families trying to move here! Follow my Instagram for all those details.
Thank you so much Olga for sharing your thought process into moving to Amsterdam and settling there to grow your family! I hope you have a wonderful time and I wish you luck with your course 🙂