What’s up! My name is Ashley. I am Native American from the Navajo tribe. I moved from Utah, USA to Craponne, France in January 2022 for my husband’s work with our 2 dogs. As of now, I have been a dog mom since we have been in France and have loved every second of it. I was born and bred in Utah. I have never lived anywhere out of the state of Utah. So, moving to France was a major leap for me. But it has been the best leap I have ever taken. Fortunately and unfortunately I do not work in France. My loving husband gave me this opportunity to focus on caring for our dogs and focusing on myself.
Moving to Craponne
How did you get set up?
Honestly, we had an amazing lady, Pauline, from Move Lyon help us with pretty much everything. We actually did not do much set up. We were very grateful for her knowledge and effort.
Was it difficult for you to get medical insurance?
It was not difficult from my knowledge. My husband’s work did all of the medical insurance needed. By the time we were in France we were covered!
What did you bring with you?
I brought my 2 dogs, my husband, clothes and home decor that meant the most to myself and some American foods I needed to help with feeling home sick.
How did you find an apartment in Craponne?
We were able to get extreme help from Pauline with Move Lyon. She showed us a few apartments and a couple of flats. I believe our rent is around 1800€.

Living in Craponne
What surprised you about life in Craponne?
No one spoke any English. I know I should not have assumed everyone spoke English but it was a bit of a culture shock. I live in a village in the countryside where hardly anyone speaks English. Whereas in the bigger city of Lyon – that is about 25 minutes away, a lot of people speak English.
Also, in the month of August a lot of businesses are closed for almost a month! That was surprising to me, but very cool. In the states that does not happen.
Are there any experiences there that you are particularly proud of or that surprised you?
There are so many but I think going to the prefecture has got to be my top experience so far. Mainly cause I put myself in the most uncomfortable and unfamiliar situation I had been in once getting in France. It was intimidating, especially not knowing any French but all the people that helped were the kindest.
What's your list of favorite French dishes and restaurants in Craponne?
I actually haven’t tried many French dishes, but I love the Lyonnaise salad and gratin is really good.

Final Thoughts
Was it easy making friends and meeting people?
Not easy making friends being out of the city and in a village where no one speaks English. But there is an expat group in Lyon who play basketball once a week and that’s where I would meet most people. They also do monthly events and have been to a couple which have been so much fun. Here is a link to the expat group or tips on how to move to Lyon.
What are some disadvantages to living in Craponne?
Mostly no one speaking any English and being a little out of the way of the city.
For the future, nothing really planned. We are moving back to the US beginning of 2024. But we will definitely be visiting Lyon often. Bringing back the life lessons I’ve learned and bringing some of the French culture back with us.

Thank you Ashley for sharing your experience moving to Craponne, near Lyon in France! Thank you for the tips and links, I am sure it will be helpful for anyone thinking about moving there. Good luck with the rest of your stay!
Photo Credits to Ashley 🙂
Photo Credits to Ashley 🙂